I know that our ability for empathy and kindness is necessary for us to be robust. To stand firm in your professionalism, you must be able to take care of yourself! Emotional robustness is something you train and I can teach you how.
Helle Laursen is a Certified MSC Teacher, a Heartfulness meditation Trainer, and has a private practice in Silkeborg, Denmark, with 15 + years of experience in supporting people on sick leave due to mental health issues. For more than 20 years she has been a dedicated student of Heartfulness meditation and enjoys regular visits to Ashrams, to deepen her own practice and understanding.
After completing her M.A., she became a ICF certified coach, and had a position of Leading Mentor Coach in the largest Coach Training Institute in Denmark, for 10 + years, as well as holding a position of Head of Project for a regional based 12 week program for those of sick leave from jobs due to mental health issues like stress, depression and/or anxiety. In her private practice, she uses mindfulness and compassion based approaches, and specializes in caregivers, in building resilience in general, and in navigating in life transitions.
Helle works with varied groups, but primarily with social workers, teachers, psychologists, therapists, nurses and other industries who work in and with relations to clients, citizens, students. She offers individual and corporate compassion programs, classes, workshops, retreats and hourly consultations.
Helle is committed to bringing compassionate awareness into everyday life, so that life can be even more enjoyable and rich and meaningful.
For more information about Helle, please visit her website, nordic-compassion.dk.